H highthree170 2007-04-26 #1 最近想做一篇论文,基于CLEC的中国学习者否定失误的研究。后来发现,前人所做的研究都是语料库中已有的分类中的一种,而否定失误是不在语料库失误标注的分类中的,请问该如何有效的统计数据呢?
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2007-05-02 #2 回复: 基于CLEC的否定失误统计方法 Search all "n't and not" occurrences to get all negations, if you only wish to study not-negtaion (there are other negators in English, say, scarcely, mis-, il-, im-). Read through all the texts to look for the unused negators.
回复: 基于CLEC的否定失误统计方法 Search all "n't and not" occurrences to get all negations, if you only wish to study not-negtaion (there are other negators in English, say, scarcely, mis-, il-, im-). Read through all the texts to look for the unused negators.