Empirical Language Research Journal online


Staff member
Dear Colleague,

You may remember that during the 1980s and 1990s the ELR Journal, published by the Department of English at the University of Birmingham and standing for English Language Research, was the forum for many seminal works in Corpus Linguistics, Discourse and Genre Analysis, and Computer Assisted Language Learning. We have re-launched it in a new format with the updated title Empirical Language Research to reflect how evidence from real language data underpins much language research across a wide area.

We intend the ELR journal to avoid the superficiality and lack of rigour associated with some online journals by establishing it as a quality peer-reviewed journal, with an editorial board comprised of leading international scholars in the field. We also support the movement towards making academic research open and freely available rather than obscure, expensive, and inaccessible. The re-launched ELR Journal will be fully online. Online publishing has several advantages in that costs and publication lead times are reduced, and readership is increased.

We invite papers which describe work in any area of language, with the principal criterion being that the findings are supported by empirical evidence from corpus data. Areas of particular focus would be:

Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory
Multilingual Corpora and Translation
Data-Driven Learning
Natural Language Processing
Corpus-Driven Lexicography and Lexicology
There are two different types of articles, short papers, which are about 3000 to 5000 words in length, and full papers, which should be more than 5000 words long. The maximum length of a full paper should be about 10,000 words.

All articles are published in HTML, which can be viewed directly in a browser, rather than DOC or PDF which require different programs. For this, we require the submitted articles to be in a particular format, see the styleguide.

HTML as produced by word processors such as MS Word is usually not acceptable, since they tend to create a large amount of superfluous tags. If you have problems or concerns about the right way to format your article, please contact the editors and we might be able to assist you.

Eventually submission will be possible throught the website, but at present please send articles to elr-journal(AT)contacts.bham.ac.uk. This address can also be used to get in touch with the editors.

With best wishes,

Pernilla Danielsson
Oliver Mason
David Oakey

