J june 2007-12-27 #1 在本论坛上看到有人读过:Liang, M. (2003). 请好心人上传 这篇文章,或发我信箱yajuanzhong@yahoo.com.cn 另外还有一篇文章不知谁有, Verb-Intensifier Collocations in English: An Experimental Approach by Sidney Greenbaum 谢谢!
在本论坛上看到有人读过:Liang, M. (2003). 请好心人上传 这篇文章,或发我信箱yajuanzhong@yahoo.com.cn 另外还有一篇文章不知谁有, Verb-Intensifier Collocations in English: An Experimental Approach by Sidney Greenbaum 谢谢!
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2007-12-28 #2 回复: 求文章: A corpus-based study of intensifiers in Chinese EFL learners' oral productio A similar paper on amplifiers... http://www.lancs.ac.uk/postgrad/xiaoz/papers/amplifiers.pdf
回复: 求文章: A corpus-based study of intensifiers in Chinese EFL learners' oral productio A similar paper on amplifiers... http://www.lancs.ac.uk/postgrad/xiaoz/papers/amplifiers.pdf
J june 2007-12-29 #3 回复: 求文章: A corpus-based study of intensifiers in Chinese EFL learners' oral productio 谢谢
laohong 管理员 Staff member 2007-12-29 #4 回复: 求文章: A corpus-based study of intensifiers in Chinese EFL learners' oral productio Greenbaum的那本书太旧了,已经出版三十七、八年了(Greenbaum, Sidney. 1970. Verb-intensifier collocations in English. The Hague: Mouton.),最好找下面这篇综述性文章读读: 卫乃兴,搭配研究50年:概念的演变与方法的发展 Fifty Years of Collocational Study:Conceptual Changes and Methodological Developments,《解放军外国语学院学报》,2003年02期。 另外,这里还有几篇相关的: Collocation, semantic prosody and near synonymy http://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/45/1/Xiao&McEneryR5.pdf Collocations of Intensifiers http://www.flet.keio.ac.jp/~colloq/articles/backnumb/Col_23_kawamata.pdf The Acquisition of Basic Collocations by Japanese Learners of English http://dspace.wul.waseda.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2065/5285/1/Honbun-4160.pdf
回复: 求文章: A corpus-based study of intensifiers in Chinese EFL learners' oral productio Greenbaum的那本书太旧了,已经出版三十七、八年了(Greenbaum, Sidney. 1970. Verb-intensifier collocations in English. The Hague: Mouton.),最好找下面这篇综述性文章读读: 卫乃兴,搭配研究50年:概念的演变与方法的发展 Fifty Years of Collocational Study:Conceptual Changes and Methodological Developments,《解放军外国语学院学报》,2003年02期。 另外,这里还有几篇相关的: Collocation, semantic prosody and near synonymy http://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/45/1/Xiao&McEneryR5.pdf Collocations of Intensifiers http://www.flet.keio.ac.jp/~colloq/articles/backnumb/Col_23_kawamata.pdf The Acquisition of Basic Collocations by Japanese Learners of English http://dspace.wul.waseda.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2065/5285/1/Honbun-4160.pdf
A armstrong 高级会员 2007-12-29 #5 回复: 求文章: A corpus-based study of intensifiers in Chinese EFL learners' oral productio thanks a lot,Dr.Hong.
回复: 求文章: A corpus-based study of intensifiers in Chinese EFL learners' oral productio thanks a lot,Dr.Hong.