Re: Re: AntWordProfiler = Paul Nation's Range program
I can add a stop lists function similar to AntConc quite easily.
The mark texts function is useful. Perhaps I can implement this in a modern way, with standard tags, e.g.
This_1 is_1 a_1 difficult_2 thing_1 to_1 implement_3
--I used to read Range-marked texts into AntConc to do a concordancing in order to build an off-the-list word list, because that's useful for textbook compilation when we wish to add a new word list after each text.
--Can you enable list export to save the words while highlighting them in different colors? e.g. which words fall into the 1st 1000 words, and/or which are off the list in the texts?
--Does AntWordProfiler support phrase list search, because Range only supports word matching?
e.g. a dummy phrase list
a lot of
at the end of
on top of
more often than not
of course
--Does AntWordProfiler support regex lists? In other words, can regular expressions be used as base word lists as we do with file-based concordancing? In that case, complex grammatical patterns can be profiled. AWP will definitely get an upper hand over Range if phrase list and regex list matching can be implemented.
e.g. a dummy regex list
This allows the resulting file to be used in other software, e.g AntConc.
I haven't looked at how to implement ConcGrams but I don't think it is difficult. I agree that a separate program would probably be better.
--Currently, Chris Greaves and Mike Scott have two ConcGram tools, and yours will be the first free concgramming tool ever.