回复: 团购wordsmith
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汇款给谁啊 账号多少?我的邮箱whuxiangl@126.com能不能通知我
应该第二天就能收到registration code。成功后,讲述一下组织团购过程中的感受吧。再设想一下如果组织50人的团购的情形?再设想一下1年以后还有人告诉你我给你汇了钱你为什么没有给我registration code的情形?总之我想起来就头大。
Thank you for your great contribution to us!!!Plenty! It takes more than half a month for this purchase, not including Cindyliu's previous initiating time! It's really difficult in China and anywhere else to get people together for one thing, even for their own good! In front of your fifty bunkle purchase, I have to say mine is totally dwarfed. I can imagine how much patience, efforts, precious time you have devoted to it! But I did feel greatly honored when these dear pals accorded me full trust. I think, you too, I won't hesitate to do the same job again next time.
应该第二天就能收到registration code。成功后,讲述一下组织团购过程中的感受吧。再设想一下如果组织50人的团购的情形?再设想一下1年以后还有人告诉你我给你汇了钱你为什么没有给我registration code的情形?总之我想起来就头大。