M maggyluhuiling 2008-05-30 #1 最近刚学语料库,有很多东西不太懂。又突发奇想想要做个小小的研究,需要对语料赋码,急需CLAWS4赋码软件,有谁有的,能发给我不?我的邮箱是luhuiling1985@163.com。如果牵涉版权问题就算了。谢谢!
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2008-05-31 #3 回复: 跪求:CLAWS4赋码软件 You can use the free online trial version- http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/claws/trial.html which allows 10,000 words a time.
回复: 跪求:CLAWS4赋码软件 You can use the free online trial version- http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/claws/trial.html which allows 10,000 words a time.
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2008-06-12 #4 回复: 跪求:CLAWS4赋码软件 10,000 words from an academic site. 300 words from a commercial site.