【请教】哪位能提供一个下载Bill Tagger的链接,谢谢



回复: 【请教】哪位能提供一个下载Bill Tagger的链接,谢谢



WinBrill?Google it, please!
回复: 【请教】哪位能提供一个下载Bill Tagger的链接,谢谢

Thanks, i searched bill tagger ever but did not get a download.
回复: 【请教】哪位能提供一个下载Bill Tagger的链接,谢谢

thanks again.I have downloaded winbrill(French version),Gotagger and stanford parser.I will evaluate them with my corpus.
But an additional problem is, i can not download winbrill English version, all the hyperlink is unavailable. So i download the French Version, but it looks as if the winbrill(French version) cannot deal with English context.Perhaps i did not download the engliash data files,is it right?
回复: 【请教】哪位能提供一个下载Bill Tagger的链接,谢谢

I have sent a copy of Gotagger0.7 (with the 10 Brill tagger rules) to corpus4u@gmail.com All you need to do is to unzip it and run the .exe file.
Hope you enjoy it!
【请教】哪位能提供Bill Tagger的赋码方案

我用google搜遍了也没能找到一个有效的Brill Tagger的下载链接,有幸在本论坛查看帖子的时候发现了这张贴子,兴奋了好一阵子。可是最终还是发现这些链接都无法下载。本来我不行麻烦各位大师,我只是试着按照帖子去公共邮箱查找,只可惜我在corpus4u的gmail邮箱里也是一无所获。不知道哪位好心大侠能发到我个人邮箱里wpfreda@yahoo.cn?麻烦各位了。:)
回复: 【请教】哪位能提供一个下载Bill Tagger的链接,谢谢

A Unix based free downloadable Brill tagger: http://cst.dk/download/tagger/
Sorry I didn't find a usable Windows version.

Thank you very much for your kindness and readiness to help. But I'm really in great need of a Windows version of Brill Tagger. If you happen to get one someday, please let me know. Thanks. :)
回复: 【请教】哪位能提供一个下载Bill Tagger的链接,谢谢

Brill tagger is included in the following GoTagger package.

What you want is exactly on the fifth floor, as given by Dr. Xu.


Thank you very much for your help, but I've tried that link many times and failed to download that RAR file. Maybe there is something wrong with the link? Anyway, thanks a lot. :)