回复: 中英双语在线(CEO)上线测试已开通
因入会一家多只登记一人,平均每家以五口计,群众便约有一千万。As a family generally enters only one name when joining and has an average of five members, the mass following must be about ten million.
这使得少数民族人口的增长速度高于全国平均水平。As a result, ethnic minority populations have been able to increase at a higher rate than the rest of the population.
就某些同志来说,看来问题的中心是在他们忧虑现有的几十万个半社会主义的一般地是小型的(每社平均只有二十几户)合作社能不能巩固。As far as certain comrades are concerned, the crux of the matter seems to be their worry as to whether it is possible to consolidate the several hundred thousand existing semi-socialist co-operatives, which are generally rather small, averaging twenty-odd peasant households each.
现在比九大、十大、十一大中央委员的平均年龄大。As it is now, the average age of the Central Committee members is higher than that of those elected at the Ninth, the Tenth, and the Eleventh National Congresses.
目前,中国粮食总产量位居世界第一,人均380公斤左右(含豆类、薯类),达到世界平均水平。At present, China ranks first in total grain output in the world, with the per capita share of grain reaching approximately 380 kg ( including legume and tuber crops ), which is the global average.
目前,中国城市成年女性平均上学年数是9.97年,其中高中及其以上者占56.3%,初中33.3%,小学8.3%,文盲半文盲仅占2.1%;At present, the average schooling for adult women in China 's urban areas totals 9.97 years. Of these women, those who have received education of senior middle school or higher account for 56.3 percent ; those who have received junior middle school education account for 33.3 percent ; those who have received primary school education account for 8.3 percent ; and those who are illiterate and semi-illiterate account for only 2.1 percent.
由于我党坚决地领导农民实现了土地制度的改革,现已在大约一亿人口的区域彻底地解决了土地问题,地主阶级和旧式富农的土地大致平均地分配给了农民,首先是贫农和雇农。Because our Party has resolutely led the peasants to carry out the reform of the land system, the land problem has been thoroughly solved in areas with a population of about 100 million, and the land of the landlords and old-type rich peasants has been more or less equally distributed among the peasants, primarily among the poor peasants and farm labourers.
除此之外,中国的人均林地、草地、淡水资源分别只及世界平均水平的九分之一、三分之一和四分之一。Besides this, China 's per-capita average of forested land, grassland and freshwater resources amounts to only one-ninth, one-third and one-fourth of the respective world averages.
但是应该说,如果我们的国民生产总值真正达到每人平均一千美元,那我们的日子比他们要好过得多,比他们两千美元的还要好过。But it should be said that if our per-capita GNP really reaches $1,000, life in China will be far more comfortable than it is in places where the per-capita GNP is $2,000.
但不论何种情况,当分散行动时都须注意:(一)保持较大一部分兵力于适当的机动地区,不要绝对地平均分散,一则便于应付可能的事变,一则使分散执行的任务有一个重心;But whatever the circumstances, when dispersing for action we should pay attention to the following : 1 ) we should never make an absolutely even dispersal of forces, but should keep a fairly large part in an area convenient for manoeuvre, so that any possible exigency can be met and there is a centre of gravity for the task being carried out in dispersion ;
1994年底,中国有离休、退休、退职人员2929万人,他们领取的离休、退休、退职金,人均相当于在职职工平均工资的82%。By the end of 1994 China had altogether 29.29 million retirees, whose retirement pay and retirement allowances averaged 82 percent of the average wage of workers and staff on the job.
到第一个五年计划最后一年的末尾和第二个五年计划第一年的开头,即在一九五八年春季,全国将有二亿五千万左右的人口一一五千五百万左右的农户(以平均四口半人为一户计算)加入半社会主义性质的合作社,这就是全体农村人口的一半。By the spring of 1958, at the end of the final year of the First Five-Year Plan and the beginning of the first year of the Second Five-Year Plan. co-operatives of a semi-socialist nature will embrace some 250 million people, about 55 million peasant households ( averaging four and a half persons each ), which will mean half the rural population.
中国的经济,一定要走“节制资本”和“平均地权”的路,决不能是“少数人所得而私”,决不能让少数资本家少数地主“操纵国民生计”,决不能建立欧美式的资本主义社会,也决不能还是旧的半封建社会。China 's economy must develop along the path of the"regulation of capital"and the"equalization of landownership", and must never be"privately owned by the few"; we must never permit the few capitalists and landlords to"dominate the livelihood of the people"; we must never establish a capitalist society of the European-American type or allow the old semi-feudal society to survive.
进入九十年代以来,中国虽然处于1949年后第三次人口出生高峰期,20-29岁生育旺盛期的妇女人数平均每年超过1亿人。如此庞大的生育人群,其生育潜力是巨大的。China has been through the third post-1949 peak period of births from the beginning of the 1990s, the community of women in their prime of fertility ( aged 20 to 29 ) has exceeded 100 million each year on average, and such a huge childbearing community has a great birth potential still.
全国大专学校只有几百所,每所学校假定平均用十个人,顶多能容纳几千人、万把人。China has only a few hundred institutions of higher education. Supposing each one were to employ 10 people, only several thousand -- ten thousand at most -- could get such jobs.
全国大专学校只有几百所,每所学校假定平均用十个人,顶多能容纳几千人、万把人。China has only a few hundred institutions of higher education. Supposing each one were to employ 10 people, only several thousand -- ten thousand at most-- could get such jobs.
尽管近年来美国许多企业相继合并,公司的平均规模却日渐缩小,原因是由于每年都成立了大批小公司,尤其是那些雇员不足20人的公司。Despite all of the mergers and consolidations that have taken place in American business in recent years, the size of the average company has been declining. The reason is the huge number of new businesses formed each year, particularly those with fewer than 20 employees.
像埃及这样的国家,人口只有四千万,按人口平均计算,他们在教育方面花的钱,也比我们多几倍。Egypt has a population of only 40 million, but its educational spending per capita is several times ours.
长期以来,我们百分之七十至八十的农村劳动力被束缚在土地上,农村每人平均只有一两亩土地,多数人连温饱都谈不上。For a long time 70 to 80 per cent of the rural work force was tied to the land, with an average of only about 0.1 hectare per person, and most peasants did not even have adequate food and clothing.
比如最近有个简报,讲到北京一个电视机厂,去年年产九英寸黑白电视机二万台,平均日产五十多台;后来搞了一条日本的十二英寸黑白电视机生产线,设计能力日产六百台,现在已经日产四百多台。For instance, a recent report describes how a certain plant in Beijing, which manufactured 20,000 9-inch black-and-white TV sets last year --that is, an average of over 50 sets a day -- recently introduced a Japanese production line for the 12-inch type with a designed capacity of 600 sets per day and is now turning out some 400 a day.
外国劳工特别是工资低的亚洲劳工,常常被视为宁愿为在外国的美国资本家干活,因为美国资本家可以付给他们稍高于平均工资的报酬,同时还可以学到在别处学不到的技术,生产出与美国国内产品竞争的商品,即便要付出运输费用及进口税。Foreign laborers, especially Asian ones earning low wages, are pictured as working willingly for American capitalists abroad who pay slightly better than average wages ; while the former learn otherwise inaccessible technology and produce sophisticated goods that compete with domestic American goods, even allowing for shipping charges and import duties.
我国工农业从解放以来直到去年的每年平均增长速度,在世界上是比较高的。From Liberation to last year, the average annual rate of growth in our industry and agriculture was fairly high by world standards.
情况既然如此,那么目前日本按人口平均培养出比我们多一倍以上的工程师,他们设计出的产品比我们美国的好,又有什么可奇怪的呢?Given this situation, is it any surprise that Japan now produces more than twice as many engineers per capita, and that as a consequence Japanese products are better engineered than American products ?
我跟他讲,到本世纪末,争取国民生产总值每人平均达到一千美元,算个小康水平。I told him they mean that we will try to reach a per-capita GNP of US$1,000 by the end of this century, and that we can then say our society is fairly well-off.
我将向你们提交一份把明年的自由支出预算增长幅度定为4%的预算方案---------大约相当于平均家庭收入的预计增长幅度。I will send you a budget that increases discretionary spending by 4 percent next year --- about as much as the average family 's income is expected to grow.
由大脑的顶下小叶(IPL)区显示出,平均看该区男性明显比女性大。Images of a brain region called the inferior parietal lobule ( IPL ) show that, on average, the region is significantly larger in men than in women.
1940年美国有600万家农场,每家农场平均土地为67公顷。In 1940 there were 6 million farms averaging 67 hectares each ;
1981年的平均分数虽没有提高,但没有继续下降。In 1981 the test scores did not go up, but at least they did not go down.
到了1990年时只有210万家农场,每家平均土地为185公顷。In 1990 the situation had shifted to the point where there were only 2.1 million farms averaging 185 hectares each.
在解释这一命令中环境保护局依靠立法史,这个立法史表明了“当前有效的最切实可行的控制技术”应该反映出“在每一种工业类别内部的各种规模、各种规格、各种单元生产工艺的最佳实施平均值”,那些现有控制污染的各种技术普遍极为不力的地区除外。In construing this mandate, EPA relied on legislative history indicating that BPT should reflect"the average of the best existing performance by plants of various sizes, ages, and unit processes within each industrial category", except where existing practices are uniformly inadequate.
特别有必要记住的是高功率与高能量的差别:激光雷达或热核聚变应用一般需要以低的脉冲重复率产生高峰值功率,从而得到适中的平均功率(千瓦到兆瓦);In particular, it is necessary to bear in mind the difference between high power and high total energy : Laser radar or thermo-nuclear-fusion applications generally require high peak laser powers at low pulse-repetition rates, leading to modest average power ( kilowatts to megawatts ).
简单说来,这项法令要求对基本农产品的价格补贴应随着平均市场价格的变动而变动。In simplest terms, the law called for price supports for basic farm commodities to change in response to shifts in average market prices.