
回复: [原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库


this world has too many unfair things , and i understand u.

by the way,thanks .i have already downloaded it.
回复: [原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库

NO. It IS fair. Imagine if all the resources are in the hand of junior scholars instead of those senior members, you might find it even more unacceptable.

This is the rule of the game, and the way it is.

No complaint, and do what you can.
回复: [原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库

very informative, thanks a lot. but i would be so grateful if you can share your own corpus so that i can get a clearer example?
回复: [原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库

回复: [原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库

a good passage teaching us to build our corpora,many thanks!