请问Dr. Xiao lcmc的分词标注工具


哪位有 lcmc语料库的分词标注工具,这个工具能自己增加用户词典么?谢谢!
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回复: 请问Dr. Xiao lcmc的分词标注工具

LCMC was POS tagged using the free ICTCLAS in 2002, but the corpus was substantially post edited to correct systematic errors in automatic tagging and to incorporate my research over the years. The now publicly available version is version 1.1. A new version 2.0 has been completed to incorporate my research in aspect marking and quantitiers etc.
回复: 请问Dr. Xiao lcmc的分词标注工具

Thank you very much, Dear Xiao.
I am thinking about ussing LCMC as a referecne corpus and your reply confirm my confidence because ICTClas is publicly available and can be used to the target corara.
Thanks again.