
回复: 问一个关于语料库工具的问题。

You can create the xcorpus file when you index your corpus using the Indexing Tool in the Xaira package (the other part of Xaira is the client programme for searching the indexed corpus).
回复: 问一个关于语料库工具的问题。

You can create the xcorpus file when you index your corpus using the Indexing Tool in the Xaira package (the other part of Xaira is the client programme for searching the indexed corpus).

Thank U so much.
回复: 问一个关于语料库工具的问题。

You can create the xcorpus file when you index your corpus using the Indexing Tool in the Xaira package (the other part of Xaira is the client programme for searching the indexed corpus).

I tried to use AntConc to analyze the chinese corpus, but to find the chinese characters were replaced by messy codes, even though I changed the font settings. Prof. Xiao, how could I solve this problem?
回复: 问一个关于语料库工具的问题。

Change the font setting is ok, but you actually need to save your text in the encoding you have selected (e.g. UTF8). You can do that using Notepad if you do not have many text files, or you will need to use Multilingual Corpus Tools to do the bach conversion.

I tried to use AntConc to analyze the chinese corpus, but to find the chinese characters were replaced by messy codes, even though I changed the font settings. Prof. Xiao, how could I solve this problem?