L lvhong 2009-12-28 #21 回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories 诶呀,没仔细研究规矩。吸取教训了。希望fountainli大人不计小人过。 Last edited: 2009-12-29
F fountainli 2009-12-29 #22 回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories 作者 lvhong: sent to xiang_wei8@163.com and qyy19841220@163.com Click to expand... 拿我送你的文章再送人,你违约了!以后不再应助你的求助。
回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories 作者 lvhong: sent to xiang_wei8@163.com and qyy19841220@163.com Click to expand... 拿我送你的文章再送人,你违约了!以后不再应助你的求助。
H harrybu 2011-04-11 #23 回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories 给我一份吧,找了很久了还没有找到。 harrybu@163.com 谢谢。
J jackzch 普通会员 2011-04-13 #24 回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories 李教授: 你好!能发我一份吗?不胜感激。。。 jackzch@126.com
S siqing3868 2011-04-14 #25 回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories fountainli: 您好,我找这本书已(Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories)很久了,请问您是否可以我于分享一下,我的邮箱 siqing3868@163.com,不胜感激!
回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories fountainli: 您好,我找这本书已(Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories)很久了,请问您是否可以我于分享一下,我的邮箱 siqing3868@163.com,不胜感激!
K kingwolf 2011-04-14 #26 回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories fountainli: 您好! 我也求这本书好几久了,我这里只有一个前10页的版本的,麻烦您能否给我发一份,不胜感激!fengxpkingwolf@163.com
回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories fountainli: 您好! 我也求这本书好几久了,我这里只有一个前10页的版本的,麻烦您能否给我发一份,不胜感激!fengxpkingwolf@163.com
H harrybu 2011-08-18 #27 回覆: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories 你好!能否也给我发一份Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories啊?我找了很久了。我的邮箱:harrybu@163.com
回覆: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories 你好!能否也给我发一份Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories啊?我找了很久了。我的邮箱:harrybu@163.com
B Byron B. Chang 2011-08-20 #28 回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories Dear Fountainli, Could you send me a copy of "Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories"? Here's my email address: cbbyron1963@yahoo.com Thanks a lot.
回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories Dear Fountainli, Could you send me a copy of "Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories"? Here's my email address: cbbyron1963@yahoo.com Thanks a lot.
W weisunny202 2012-04-07 #29 回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories fountainli老师,请您发一份此文的电子版给我,谢谢!本人邮箱yangkun4692@126.com. Thanks for your time!
回复: 求Corpus studies and functional linguistic theories fountainli老师,请您发一份此文的电子版给我,谢谢!本人邮箱yangkun4692@126.com. Thanks for your time!
F flyingtree 2014-10-28 #30 回复: 求一篇文章!有关功能语法 作者 fountainli: 我来发给你吧。 Click to expand... fountainli: 能否发我一份呢?gly_818@163.com。这个论坛太冷清,希望你还经常上线
回复: 求一篇文章!有关功能语法 作者 fountainli: 我来发给你吧。 Click to expand... fountainli: 能否发我一份呢?gly_818@163.com。这个论坛太冷清,希望你还经常上线