L2 Syntacic Complexity Analyzer



L2 Syntactic Complexity Analyzer is designed to automate syntactic complexity analysis of written English language samples produced by advanced learners of English using fourteen different measures proposed in the second language development literature. The analyzer takes a written English language sample in plain text format as input and generates 14 indices of syntactic complexity of the sample. This software is an implementation of the system described in:

Lu, Xiaofei (forthcoming). Automatic analysis of syntactic complexity in second language writing. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics.

The analyzer is implemented in python and runs on UNIX-like (LINUX, MAC OS, or UNIX) systems with Java 1.5 and python 2.5 or higher installed. The analyzer takes as input a plain text file, counts the frequency of the following 9 structures in the text: words (W), sentences (S), verb phrases (VP), clauses (C), T-units (T), dependent clauses (DC), complex T-units (CT), coordinate phrases (CP), and complex nominals (CN), and computes the following 14 syntactic complexity indices of the text: mean length of sentence (MLS), mean length of T-unit (MLT), mean length of clause (MLC), clauses per sentence (C/S), verb phrases per T-unit (VP/T),, clauses per T-unit (C/T), dependent clauses per clause (DC/C), dependent clauses per T-unit (DC/T), T-units per sentence (T/S), complex T-unit ratio (CT/T), coordinate phrases per T-unit (CP/T), coordinate phrases per clause (CP/C), complex nominals per T-unit (CN/T), and complex nominals per clause (CP/C). The analyzer calls the Stanford praser (Klein & Manning, 2003) to parse the input file and Tregex (Levy & Andrew, 2006) to query the parse trees. Both the Stanford parser and Tregex are bundled in this download and installation along with the appropriate licenses.
回复: L2 Syntacic Complexity Analyzer

Many thanks, Xiaofei. Is there a way to use the software package in Windows directly - without support of Cygwin etc I mean?

Yes, free for research purposes.
回复: L2 Syntacic Complexity Analyzer

Not yet. Unfortunately I probably won't have time to make that happen in the near future. At the moment it should run fairly easily (both on individual text files and on multiple text files in a folder) on a UNIX-like system.

Many thanks, Xiaofei. Is there a way to use the software package in Windows directly - without support of Cygwin etc I mean?
回复: L2 Syntacic Complexity Analyzer

thanks Dr Lu Xiaofei a lot to share with us your latest research!
回复: L2 Syntacic Complexity Analyzer

Not yet. Unfortunately I probably won't have time to make that happen in the near future. At the moment it should run fairly easily (both on individual text files and on multiple text files in a folder) on a UNIX-like system.
Pity that it won't run on the Windows system. Anyway, thanks for your generous sharing.