以下是引用 动态语法 在 2005-7-20 23:58:19 的发言:
Also, 语言和性别 is a broad concept. One may choose to do gender
and language research based on other sources, such as writing samples
by writers of different genders.
以下是引用 xiaoz 在 2005-7-24 21:37:43 的发言:
How about sexist words - chairman, chairwoman, chair person? or the neutral use of he and they? Or tell a story of history instead of herstroy?
以下是引用 清风出袖 在 2005-7-24 20:47:14 的发言:
以下是引用 xujiajin 在 2005-7-23 22:58:06 的发言:
Have you found any obvious differences b/t male and female in your spoken data?
以下是引用 xiaoz 在 2005-7-27 8:42:03 的发言:
b/t: between
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