
You may try the Callhome Mandarin Transcipt corpus released by the LDC (using the catelogue search). There is information for speaker sex.

Also, 语言和性别 is a broad concept. One may choose to do gender
and language research based on other sources, such as writing samples
by writers of different genders.
I don't think research purposes have anything to do with the corpus data to be used except for very careful annotation of gender information, and such info does not simply refer to speaker/writer gender info contained in the header but companion tags to the linguistic forms you wish to investigate.

So I think you are free to choose any e texts, preferably parallel balanced corpus data for comparative studies.

以下是引用 动态语法2005-7-20 23:58:19 的发言:
Also, 语言和性别 is a broad concept. One may choose to do gender
and language research based on other sources, such as writing samples
by writers of different genders.

true. that is really too broad. in fact, i only want to concenrate on the language differences in spoken language.
Have you found any obvious differences b/t male and female in your spoken data?
How about sexist words - chairman, chairwoman, chair person? or the neutral use of he and they? Or tell a story of history instead of herstroy?

以下是引用 xiaoz2005-7-24 21:37:43 的发言:
How about sexist words - chairman, chairwoman, chair person? or the neutral use of he and they? Or tell a story of history instead of herstroy?

thanks for your advice. but i am going to focus on Chinese instead of English.

以下是引用 清风出袖2005-7-24 20:47:14 的发言:

thank you very much. your advice is very helpful. i know whom you refer to. her name is zhao ronghui (赵蓉晖). her book's name is 语言与性别-口语的社会语言学研究 . it is also her doctoral dissertation.

以下是引用 xujiajin2005-7-23 22:58:06 的发言:
Have you found any obvious differences b/t male and female in your spoken data?

may i ask a studpid question? what does b/t mean?

以下是引用 xiaoz2005-7-27 8:42:03 的发言:
b/t: between

NOT BT download

thanks! i see now.