回复: 如何以直观形式给出单词的搭配词的出现频率和MI值? word cloud visualization
Wordle Wednesday
Wordle Wednesday
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Guide to Wordle for Educators
Guide to Wordle for Educators
The beauty of Wordle is that there is no signup or login and the whole process can be completed in as little as a minute depending on how complex you wish to get.
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Wordshift for creating Word Clouds
Wordshift for creating Word Clouds
WordSift was created to help teachers manage the demands of vocabulary and academic language in their text materials. We especially hope that this tool is helpful in supporting English Language Learners.
Wordsift Tutorial Use in Classrooms
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Screencast Tutorial on Using Wordle
Screencast Tutorial on Using Wordle ... this is made with teachers in mind ... including 'why would you want to use Wordle'.
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All About Word Clouds ... Tutorial for Teachers
All About Word Clouds ... Tutorial (Screencast) for Teachers ... not just Wordle.
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Using Word Clouds to Integrate Reading and Writing
Using Word Clouds to Integrate Reading and Writing
Word clouds are a relatively new and popular web 2.0 application which has proved highly versatile in helping teachers design more motivating reading and writing lessons.
This presentation aims to show participants the various word cloud tools available and to briefly compare and evaluate them as well as present some ideas for lessons which integrate reading and writing skills in a motivating and effective way for the teacher of languages.
This was a presentation at The Reform Symposium
The Reform Symposium was a free online conference for educators, administrators, parents and students. In 2010 the conference was focused on innovative practices in education and what role these practices can play in educational reform.
This is a recorded archive of one of the sessions at the Reform Symposium ... a global online event held over the last weekend of July 2010
conference hashtag #rscon10
Note that the player is Elluminate (webinar platform) itself ... which should auto download (temp) to your computer.
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TagCrowd (Wordle look-a-like)
TagCrowd (Wordle look-a-like) .. one added feature is to be able to do a word tag cloud of a whole webpage by just giving the url.
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Word Clouds (Wordle Look-a-likes) .. Tutorial
Word Clouds (Wordle Look-a-likes) .. Tutorial covering several different web-based applications.
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Tagxedo ... Wordle look-a-like (create tag cloud)
Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.
CLICK HERE for Screencast tutorial