

我收集的口语语料中电话中(相对于face to face交谈)明显“那”多。这不得不让我思考,这那的选择跟说话的场景有关。


方 梅,2002,指示词这和那在北京话中的语法化,《中国语文》第4期。
Huang, Shuanfan. 1999. The emergence of a grammatical category definite article in spoken Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 31: 77-94.
Tao, Hongyin. 1999. The grammar of demonstratives in Mandarin conversational discourse: A case study. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 27: 69-103.
回复:[转帖] 汉语中是“这”多,还是“那”多?


准备好之后 ,
那我们就去了。 <---

方 梅,2002,指示词这和那在北京话中的语法化,《中国语文》第4期。
Huang, Shuanfan. 1999. The emergence of a grammatical category definite article in spoken Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 31: 77-94.
Tao, Hongyin. 1999. The grammar of demonstratives in Mandarin conversational discourse: A case study. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 27: 69-103.


另外,我猜想有的“那”可能是“那么”的“么”脱落的结果,相当于then,therefore,starting with that premise。您上面举的例子我觉得就可能属于这一种,这样的例子在口语语料中相当常见。

另外,我跟吴一安老师讨论过作为港台国语的一个重要特征的拖长且基频较高且后接pause的“那”已经明显进化为一个话语标记(discourse marker)。在我录的大陆中学生的自然口语中这种也有出现,但为数不多。
回复:[转帖] 汉语

Is there a difference between 那 as a discourse marker and as a short form of 那么?

How should the following instances of 那 be analysed in the following examples? Are they the same?

1) 那您随便写!
2) 那我就给你做老婆。
3) 如果真的吓了你,那就对不起啦!
4) 那可就完了!
5) 那好,这也算最理想的了。
6) 那就好!
7) 那要看是指什么。
8) 那,那就先来五个吧!
9) 那这次您就别打我了。

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年07月23日 08时11分21秒 编辑过]
回复:[转帖] 汉语中是“这”多,还是“那”多?

My personal take, without looking at the larger context in which they may have appeared:

1) 那您随便写!(Conjunction)
2) 那我就给你做老婆。(Conjunction)
3) 如果真的吓了你,那就对不起啦!(Conjunction)
4) 那可就完了!(Conjunction)
5) 那好,这也算最理想的了。(D Marker)
6) 那就好! (Demonstrative/Conj.)
7) 那要看是指什么。(Demonstrative/Conj.)
8) 那,那就先来五个吧!(Hesitation/Conjunction)
9) 那这次您就别打我了。(Conjunction)

Indeterminate cases do exist.
1) 那您随便写! discourse marker
2) 那我就给你做老婆。 discourse marker
3) 如果真的吓了你,那就对不起啦! This 那 refers to the preceding dependent clause.
4) 那可就完了! This 那 has an antecedent.
5) 那好,这也算最理想的了。 This 那 has an antecedent.
6) 那就好! This 那 has an antecedent.
7) 那要看是指什么。 This 那 has an antecedent.
8) 那,那就先来五个吧! discourse marker
9) 那这次您就别打我了。 discourse marker

My view is:
The short form of 那么, ie. 那, has already been used discouse-marker-wise, or at least on the way of grammaticalizing to be a discourse marker. Other than discourse marker 那-prefacing, it can also be anaphoric.
When 那么 is used in spoken discourse, it is usually stressed followed by an audible pause. In addition, 么 in 那么is seldom lengthened. If that kind of 那 is the variant of 那么, then it might inherit the prosodic properties of 那么. But in most cases, whether 那-prefacing is used as a discourse marker or a short form of 那么 is hard to distinguish.
Indeed, it is very difficult to make a distinction between the two for human analysts, not to mention a machine. I would propse that its usage as a discourse marker is a pragmatic extension of of its conjunction usage in discourse. But I don't think that na in the above examples is anaphoric, especially in the "if" example.
回复:[转帖] 汉语中是“这”多,还是“那”多?

以下是引用 xujiajin2005-7-23 16:55:14 的发言:
But in most cases, whether 那-prefacing is used as a discourse marker or a short form of 那么 is hard to distinguish.

Looks like you have a very broad definition of discourse marker.