Progressives, Patterns, Pedagogy


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Progressives, Patterns, Pedagogy: A corpus-driven approach to English progressive
forms, functions, contexts and didactics

Ute Römer
University of Hanover

Benjamins 2005. xiv + 324 pp. + index

HB: USD 156

This book presents a large-scale corpus-driven study of
progressives in ‘real’ English and ‘school’ English, combining
an analysis of general linguistic interest with a pedagogically
motivated one. A systematic comparative analysis of
more than 0,000 progressive forms taken from the largest
existing corpora of spoken British English and from a
small corpus of EFL textbook texts highlights numerous
differences between actual language use and textbook language
concerning the distribution of progressives, their
preferred contexts, favoured functions, and typical lexicalgrammatical
patterns. On the basis of these differences,
a number of pedagogical implications are derived, the
integration of which then leads to a first draft of an innovative
concept of teaching progressives - a concept which
responds to three key criteria in pedagogical description:
typicality, authenticity, and communicative utility. The
analysis also demonstrates that many existing accounts of
the progressive are inappropriate in several respects and
that not enough attention is being paid to lexicalgrammatical

[本贴已被 xujiajin 于 2005年08月25日 22时22分01秒 编辑过]
Table of contents:


1. Introduction: A need to take stock of progressives

2. The theoretical basis of the study: Corpora, contexts, didactics

3. Progressives in theoretical studies and grammars of English

4. Progressives in spoken British English

5. Progressive teaching (?): Progressives in the German EFL classroom

6. Progressives in real spoken English and in "school" English: A comparison

7. Pedagogical implications: True facts, textbooks, teaching

8. Conclusions: Corpus, practice, theory




[Studies in Corpus Linguistics 18] August 2005. xiv + 328 pp.

Hb 90 272 2289 4

See also

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