No replies allowed for postings in Bookshelf?


Staff member
Is it intended to be so or is it some kind of a bug in the system?

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年07月30日 10时31分12秒 编辑过]
No, not intended.

I also encoutered such errors today. I have cleared the site cache to see if the situation is improved.
why am i not allowed to open the postings "how to use xaira step by step" and "没有Wordsmith又不想用Xaira,如何使用LCMC"?
Actually there is no access restriction at corpus4u except for the read-only forums in the section of "常见问题及解答FAQs".

The access denial of some posts and sections do happen sometimes. That is intended.
回复:No replies allowed for postings in Bookshelf?

以下是引用 patricx2005-8-14 20:16:16 的发言:
i can't put up the screenshot now

neither can i. it says "参数(1)出错!" at "上传文件:".
回复:No replies allowed for postings in Bookshelf?

以下是引用 Ocean2005-8-14 20:03:19 的发言:
It works okay at my place. Really strange. Someone got a screenshot for this?

The following is the screenshot of the error message windonw when I clicked the two postings.


[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年08月14日 21时04分03秒 编辑过]
回复:No replies allowed for postings in Bookshelf?

以下是引用 xujiajin2005-8-14 20:56:52 的发言:
It is OK now after I dump the site cache.

I can upload the sreenshot now. Thanks a lot.
回复:No replies allowed for postings in Bookshelf?

以下是引用 xujiajin2005-8-14 20:21:43 的发言:
Actually there is no access restriction at corpus4u except for the read-only forums in the section of "常见问题及解答FAQs".

Can users of what status access the above forums in the section of "常见问题及解答FAQs"?
I mean which of the following: "管理员 论坛版主 VIP 用户 会员用户 注册用户 游客"?
And I'm a "注册用户" now. How can I be promoted to "会员用户." Thank you.

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年08月14日 21时13分16秒 编辑过]
回复:No replies allowed for postings in Bookshelf?

以下是引用 patricx2005-8-14 20:58:33 的发言:
i still can't visit the FAQS

Be patient. All registered users are sure to read those posts and sections soon.
Now I can read access the postings in FAQs now. Millions of thanks to our dear moderators.