Expertise on Alighers wanted


Would anybody or somebody here like to make an introduction of or comment on one or two aligners that may work effectively with paraconc? MTIA!
See Scott Piao's thesis for a description of his E-C aligner -
回复:Expertise on Alighers wanted

以下是引用 lizzawood2005-8-1 23:22:47 的发言:
Happy to know that you find this place helpful.
ParaConc requires parallel text be aligned (ideally at the sentence level) but saved in separate files for each language (linked by pointers between files). Some parallel concordancers use aligned parallel texts stored in the same files as input. But it is easy to separate/merge parallel texts to suit the needs of different packages once they are aligned.
回复:Expertise on Alighers wanted

Multiconcord can search 10 European languages while aligning texts doing on-fly alignment:

But it cannot deal with Chinese, I'm afraid. I would recommend ParaConc, which is available in the Download section at this site. But to use this package, you must have pre-aligned parallel text as input.

If you simply want to search an E-C parallel corpus, you can use our online parallel concordancer to search in the Babel corpus:
Thanks for all these very functional corpora, but I would still like to know if there are some types of aligning software available, either commercially or non-profitably.
There are many tools for aligning parallel text in European language pairs at the sentence level (mostly freely available), but I am not aware of any such tools available for Chinese and English which are publicly available. There are reliable tools for this purpose, but they are for in-house use, e.g. The sentence alignment tool developed at ICT at Peking University (contact Zhan Weidong, Chang Baobao, Bai Xiaojing), the tool developed at UCREL (contact Scot Piao), those developed by Wu Dekai and Wang Lixun. You will need to contact the developer for individual tools.
回复:Expertise on Alighers wanted

以下是引用 xiaoz2005-8-2 6:47:03 的发言:
There are many tools for aligning parallel text in European language pairs at the sentence level (mostly freely available), but I am not aware of any such tools available for Chinese and English which are publicly available. There are reliable tools for this purpose, but they are for in-house use, e.g. The sentence alignment tool developed at ICT at Peking University (contact Zhan Weidong, Chang Baobao, Bai Xiaojing), the tool developed at UCREL (contact Scot Piao), those developed by Wu Dekai and Wang Lixun. You will need to contact the developer for individual tools.
Thank u so much for your detailed and patient reply to my query and that will be very helpful to my further hunting for the solution.