the American James Lectures refer to ?


does any body know anything about what "the American James Lectures" refer to?
many linguists went to Harvard University to give the American James Lectures there, for example, John Austin.
Your Lectures should be William James lecture series which started in 1901 where many elite scholars in philosophy, psychology, religion and linguistics as well presented their new ideas and theory, i.e., JL Speech Act by Jl Austin was part of the William James Lectures at Harvard in 1955 and , Grice's most important ideas may be found in his William James lectures presented at Harvard in 1967.
patricx, could you possibly post such messages, say, to the forum of "Free topics" in stead of on "spoken corpora" next time? Otherwise our division of labor of the forums will be pointless. Anyway thank you for your contribution to corpus4u.
回复:the American James Lectures refer to ?

Usually the XX Lecture or the YY Professor (or even a building or a room) are
entities established by a donor by the names of XX or YY. They give the
money to the university and the university name the entities after the donor's
name. It's also possible that some names are names other than the donor's
if the donor so wish.
thanks, and also those XX or YY who can give their lectures there are very famous in a certain field. and several books i have read in recent days repeatly mentioned " the American James Lectures", then i had this question.
回复:the American James Lectures refer to ?

以下是引用 patricx2005-8-4 7:09:23 的发言:
thanks, and also those XX or YY who can give their lectures there are very famous in a certain field. and several books i have read in recent days repeatly mentioned " the American James Lectures", then i had this question.

If the XXs and YYs are themselves famous, it could be that 1) they donate the money
themselves; and 2) someone donetes the money and use their names as a way of
honoring them.