Creating and Documenting Electronic Texts


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AHDS Guides to Good Practice -

Creating and Documenting Electronic Texts: A Guide to Good Practice

Alan Morrison
Michael Popham
Karen Wikander
Creating and Documenting Electronic Texts:
A Guide to Good Practice


Alan Morrison
Michael Popham
Karen Wikander
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1: Aims and organisation of this Guide
1.2: What this Guide does not cover, and why
1.3: Opening questions ― Who will read your text, why, and how?

Chapter 2: Document Analysis
2.1: What is document analysis?
2.2: How should I start?
2.3: Visual and structural analysis
2.4: Typical textual features

Chapter 3: Digitization ― Scanning, OCR, and Re-keying
3.1: What is digitization?
3.2: The digitization chain
3.3: Scanning and image capture
3.4: Image capture and Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
3.5: Re-Keying

Chapter 4: Markup: The key to reusability
4.1: What is markup?
4.2: Visual/presentational markup vs. structural/descriptive markup
4.3: Implications for long-term preservation and reuse

Chapter 5: SGML/XML and TEI
5.1: The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
5.2: The Text Encoding Initiative and TEI Guidelines
5.3: Where to find out more about SGML/XML and the TEI

Chapter 6 : Documentation and Metadata
6.1 What is Metadata and why is it important?
6.2 The TEI Header
6.3 The Dublin Core Element Set and the Arts and Humanities Data Service

Chapter 7: Summary
Step 1: Sort out the rights
Step 2: Assess your material
Step 3: Clarify your objectives
Step 4: Identify the resources available to you and any relevant standards
Step 5: Develop a project plan
Step 6: Do the work!
Step 7: Check the results
Step 8: Test your text
Step 9: Prepare for preservation, maintenance, and updating
Step 10: Review and share what you have learned

