口语错误分析Error analysis in L2 learners" Eng Speech

michel, back to 动态语法's question, do you have a list of (phonetic and/or phonological) errors in L2 learners' speech?
Research done by my friend at Nanjing University indicates that while there are a lot of segmental errors in EFL learners' speech, most of these errors do not cause problems in comprehension. That is to say, EFL learners' segmental errors are tolerably erroneous.
Supersegmental errors (errors in tonality, tonicity and tone), on the other hand, can cause more serious problems. In many cases, you know, difference in these aspects is closely related to meaning. Therefore, incorrect ways of segmenting intonational units, of accentuation, and of tone setting, can result in the failure to convey the intended information.
Thank you, frank, for your wonderful comments.

You are speaking for Chen instead, huh?
But it sounds like you are also speaking with great expertise.
Thanks for your flattering comments, xujiajin.
In fact, I have some interest in phonetics and phonology myself. I find Chen's study especially interesting because, in some way, it is unique; it approaches EFL speech with methods popularly used in experimental phonetics.
this is a new application of corpus that i ever read about.
but i always find phonetics difficult and many aspects to be considered.
回复:口语错误分析Error analysis in L2 learners" Eng Speech

Of course, the study involved a lot of manual annotation.
回复: 口语错误分析Error analysis in L2 learners" Eng Speech

i want to study the relevance of the use of lexical chunks and L2 oral fluency development, pls tell me which corpus is suitable?