日前收到Mark Davies教授邮件,通知说可以免费下载COCA50万词词表(实际上还有一个5万词的lemma列表),请参看邮件内容,并请到http://www.wordfrequency.info 下载。请尊重词表的产权,不要擅自传播,可以让需要者自行到上述网址下载。多谢合作!
This is to let you know that a new, much larger frequency list is now available. It contains nearly 500,000 word forms that occur at least four times in the 410 million word Corpus of Contemporary American English [COCA] (http://www.americancorpus.org). For each word form, it also includes the different parts of speech, the frequency, and the number of texts in which the word occurs.
The 500,000 word list is free, and can be downloaded from http://www.wordfrequency.info.
This is to let you know that a new, much larger frequency list is now available. It contains nearly 500,000 word forms that occur at least four times in the 410 million word Corpus of Contemporary American English [COCA] (http://www.americancorpus.org). For each word form, it also includes the different parts of speech, the frequency, and the number of texts in which the word occurs.
The 500,000 word list is free, and can be downloaded from http://www.wordfrequency.info.