求助:Biber的MD中有67个语言项目,而在肖老师的search algorithms 里怎么只有58个了

Biber的MD中有67个语言项目,而在肖老师的search algorithms 里怎么只有58个了,是不是哪些是被合并了还是删除了,我论文在算维度分对应不上去了,急需大家指点!
回复: 求助


p. 66: "Note that in this case study, WH relative clauses in object and subject positions are kept together for ease of presentation. For the same reason, THAT relative clauses refer to those in either object or subject positions. Combinations of similar features to these reduce the number of linguistic features under consideration to fifty-seven."
回复: 求助

肖老师,如Biber中的that relatives in obj. and subj. position被合并成一个来检索,检索出来的值怎么去算标准分?是否把Biber中它俩的 mean and sd求个平均,再来计算?还有,有的一个语言项分成几次检索,算分时是先加起来再算还是每一个算完再加起来?问题有点多,谢谢啦