Computer Learner Corpora, Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching
Edited by Sylviane Granger, Joseph Hung and Stephanie Petch-Tyson
Université Catholique de Louvain / Chinese University of Hong Kong / Université Catholique de Louvain
This book takes stock of current research into computer learner corpora conducted both by ELT and SLA specialists. It should be of particular interest to researchers looking to assess its relevance to SLA theory and ELT practice. Throughout the volume, emphasis is also placed on practical, methodological aspects of computer learner corpus research, in particular the contribution of technology to the research process. The advantages and disadvantages of automated and semi-automated approaches are analyzed, the capabilities of linguistic software tools investigated, the corpora (and compilation processes) described in detail. In this way, an important function of the volume is to give practical insight to researchers who may be considering compiling a corpus of learner data or embarking on learner corpus research.
The volume is divided into three main sections:
Section 1 gives a general overview of learner corpus research;
Section 2 illustrates a range of corpus-based approaches to interlanguage analysis;
Section 3 demonstrates the direct pedagogical relevance of learner corpus work.
Table of contents
Preface vii
List of contributors ix
I. The role of computer learner corpora in SLA research and FLT
A Bird’s-eye view of learner corpus research
Sylviane Granger 3C33
II. Corpus-based approaches to interlanguage
Using bilingual corpus evidence in learner corpus research
Bengt Altenberg 37C54
Modality in advanced Swedish learners’ written interlanguage
Karin Aijmer 55C76
A corpus-based study of the L2-acquisition of the English verb system
Alex Housen 77C116
III. Corpus-based approaches to foreign language pedagogy
The pedagogical value of native and learner corpora in EFL grammar teaching
Fanny Meunier 119C141
Learner corpora and language testing: Smallwords as markers of learner fluency
Angela Hasselgren 143C173
Business English: Learner data from Belgium, Finland and the U. S.
Ulla Connor, Kristen Precht and Thomas A. Upton 175C194
The TELEC secondary learner corpus: A resource for teacher development
Quentin Grant Allan 195C211
Pedagogy and local learner corpora: Working with learning-driven data
Barbara Seidlhofer 213C234
Name index 235C239
Subject index 241C245
Computer Learner Corpora, Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching
Edited by Sylviane Granger, Joseph Hung and Stephanie Petch-Tyson
Université Catholique de Louvain / Chinese University of Hong Kong / Université Catholique de Louvain
This book takes stock of current research into computer learner corpora conducted both by ELT and SLA specialists. It should be of particular interest to researchers looking to assess its relevance to SLA theory and ELT practice. Throughout the volume, emphasis is also placed on practical, methodological aspects of computer learner corpus research, in particular the contribution of technology to the research process. The advantages and disadvantages of automated and semi-automated approaches are analyzed, the capabilities of linguistic software tools investigated, the corpora (and compilation processes) described in detail. In this way, an important function of the volume is to give practical insight to researchers who may be considering compiling a corpus of learner data or embarking on learner corpus research.
The volume is divided into three main sections:
Section 1 gives a general overview of learner corpus research;
Section 2 illustrates a range of corpus-based approaches to interlanguage analysis;
Section 3 demonstrates the direct pedagogical relevance of learner corpus work.
Table of contents
Preface vii
List of contributors ix
I. The role of computer learner corpora in SLA research and FLT
A Bird’s-eye view of learner corpus research
Sylviane Granger 3C33
II. Corpus-based approaches to interlanguage
Using bilingual corpus evidence in learner corpus research
Bengt Altenberg 37C54
Modality in advanced Swedish learners’ written interlanguage
Karin Aijmer 55C76
A corpus-based study of the L2-acquisition of the English verb system
Alex Housen 77C116
III. Corpus-based approaches to foreign language pedagogy
The pedagogical value of native and learner corpora in EFL grammar teaching
Fanny Meunier 119C141
Learner corpora and language testing: Smallwords as markers of learner fluency
Angela Hasselgren 143C173
Business English: Learner data from Belgium, Finland and the U. S.
Ulla Connor, Kristen Precht and Thomas A. Upton 175C194
The TELEC secondary learner corpus: A resource for teacher development
Quentin Grant Allan 195C211
Pedagogy and local learner corpora: Working with learning-driven data
Barbara Seidlhofer 213C234
Name index 235C239
Subject index 241C245