"can't compute key words if langauges differ"兼求frown的wordlist

发现经常出现can't compute key words if langauges differ这样的提示 尤其是以bnc wordlist为参照时。大家遇到过这个问题吗?这个bnc wordlist打开看是没问题的
我换了更小的语料做参照 也能做出keywords 不知道是哪里的问题
另外想求frown的wordlist以前有同仁共享过 但是已经太久了链接失效
please help!
thank u very much!
回复: "can't compute key words if langauges differ"兼求frown的wordlist

You'll need to make sure that you have define the language as English when you make your own wordlist if you want to compare with against the downloaded BNC wordlist.