

英汉语词性标注(POS tagging)目前基本可以进行较高准确率的自动标注。
Not clear what type of errors you mean, learner errors in learner corpora? orthographical typos in original texts in native corpora? or errors of automatic processing?
First, do a pilot annotation on a small sample of your corpus and try to major types or errors. Remember to make ur tags easy to read and consistent and then apply to the whole corpus. The 62 categories of errors of CLEC can be a reference in ur annotation.

U can follow the directions in the post 用Word 制作机助附码工具:不会编程也能做http://www.corpus4u.com/forum_view.asp?forum_id=7&view_id=678 to do ur annotation but do not expect there is such a word "faster" in manual annotation because the speed depends on ur interpretation of the errors.
There is no reliable way to tetect learner errors. Error tagging is currently done by hand. But attention must be paid to consistency in human annotation.
As error tags are interpretive in nature, you will come up with many research questions during the time-consuming annotation process. In this sense, annotation is analysis.
Annotation is analysis, it is indeed! time is often taken to do analysis, so it is indeed back-breaking and nerve-racking to build and tag corpus! thanks a lot!
Basically, I am not implying that annotation is time- and energy-consuming when referring it as analysis. I mean it is a rewarding linguistic investigation.