研究习作: Corpus-based study of Chinese existentials


Chinese existentials are quite complicated. is it possible to make a corpus-based study using xaira and how?
Yes of course you can.
But first question I would like to ask is what do you think the morphological features of Chinese existentials are?
let's begin with the basic , uncontraversial one, NP1+V+NP2, where NP1 is locative, eg.
桌子上有一本书. 那里来了一辆车.
Good, with this pattern, you may follow the procedures of extracting 离合词 to retrieve those existential structures.
研究习作: 离合词的语料库研究

CCRL seems to be able to do this as well.
Xu, I'm at a loss now as how to proceed as listed by xiaoz.
8) Start concord and use file-based concordances;
9) Type in Path:\file1.txt (Path=the folder you save file1.txt) e.g. C:\file1.txt and Press Load;
10) In advanced search copy the string item1/item2/item3...etc into the box for context;
11) Set L=0 and R=n (n>0, the greater n is, the noisy the result contains);
12) search as usual.

where should I type in the path in xaira?
chinese existentials seem to be much more complex than English ones , right?
because of the syntactical structure of Chinese sentence/grammar
Compared to English counterpart, Chinese existentials are much more complex and there seems less studies on it, not to speak of corpus-based studies.