有关register, genre和style

看见Biber的书里再讲用语料库研究register variations,可以一会儿又提到了genre,有读到了一些文体学方面的资料好像style也和这两个词相近。问了一个同事,告诉我register是社会语言学和文体学中都研究的内容。因为现在想做一篇论文就是研究文体的特点,所以我到底该怎么查阅资料呢?现在很晕,查资料都不知道改朝哪儿抓,这里的专家大师们能不能给我指明指明。
another piece of evidence that the world is made of stories, not atoms.

从Biber的University Language:A corpus-based study of spoken and written registers中摘出的关于register与genre的区别,从两个角度来分辨:
1. the object of study; 2. the characteristics of language and culture that are investigated.
从第一个角度来说,register用于refer to a general kind of language associated with a domain of use, such as a 'legal register','scientific register',or'bureaucratic register'; 而genre用于refer to a culturally recognized 'message type' with a conventional internal structure, such as a biology research article or a business memo.
从第二个角度来说,register主要研究lexico-grammatical features, showing how the use of particular words, word types, and grammatical features vary systematically in accord with the situation of use; genre主要研究socio-cultural actions,如genres are "how things get done when language is used to accomplish them"(Martin说的),也即genre关注的是issues of ideology and social power.
