回复: 免费英汉平行语料库检索工具BFSU ParaConc 1.2.1
1 UNcorpora.EN.txt UNcorpora.ZH.txt 2 Adopted at the 81st plenary meeting , on 4 December 2000 , on the recommendation of the Committee ( A/55/602/Add . 2 and Corr . 1 , para . 94 ) , The draft resolution recommended in the report 【was】 sponsored in the Committee by: Bolivia , Cuba , El Salvador , Ghana and Honduras . by a recorded vote of 106 to 1 , with 67 abstentions , as follows: 2000年12月4日第81次全体会议根据委员会的建议(A/55/602/Add.2,第94段) 报告中建议的决议草案由下列提案国在委员会提出:玻利维亚、古巴、萨尔瓦多、加纳和洪都拉斯。 经记录表决,以106票赞成,1票反对,67票弃权通过,其结果如下:
2 UNcorpora.EN.txt UNcorpora.ZH.txt 8 Reaffirming that all human rights and fundamental freedoms 【are】 universal , indivisible , interdependent and interrelated , 重申所有的人权和基本自由都是普遍、不可分割、相互依存和相互关联的,
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