P patricx 高级会员 2005-09-08 #1 不知道大家能否提供这方面的文献资料。比如,先从带有文化色彩的一些词语入手。杨永林先生曾经就-gate写了一篇这方面的论文。但对于基于语料库的文化研究还了解很少啊,请高手指点!!!
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2005-09-08 #2 Michael Stubbs has studies what he calls cultural keywords in corpora. Maybe you can find something useful on his site (see the corpus VIPs section for the link).
Michael Stubbs has studies what he calls cultural keywords in corpora. Maybe you can find something useful on his site (see the corpus VIPs section for the link).