Call for papers for a volume on
Corpus Pragmatics in Translation Studies
edited by Jesús Romero-Trillo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Richard Xiao (Lancaster University),
to be published in the Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics series (Springer), Series Editor: Jesús Romero-Trillo,
The editors of the volume seek papers on the applications of pragmatics to translation studies that implement advanced methodologies based on corpus linguistics. The interest of the volume is to present the recent developments of pragmatic theories in their broadest sense (cognitive, social, linguistic, intercultural, etc.) vis-à-vis the growing possibilities of corpus linguistics in translation studies. The topics of interest for the volume include all aspects of translation and interpreting studies. The suggested themes, however, should not be considered as limitations, and papers that go beyond or outside of these themes are also welcome.
If you wish to contribute to this volume, please submit a title, a 500-word abstract in which you outline your method, data, and findings, together with your name, affiliation and contact information to the editors, by January 31, 2014, via email to Jesús Romero-Trillo ( and Richard Xiao (
The full paper is expected to be 7,000-9,000 words in length, excluding citations and appendices. The deadline for the final contributions is August 31, 2014.
Corpus Pragmatics in Translation Studies
edited by Jesús Romero-Trillo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Richard Xiao (Lancaster University),
to be published in the Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics series (Springer), Series Editor: Jesús Romero-Trillo,
The editors of the volume seek papers on the applications of pragmatics to translation studies that implement advanced methodologies based on corpus linguistics. The interest of the volume is to present the recent developments of pragmatic theories in their broadest sense (cognitive, social, linguistic, intercultural, etc.) vis-à-vis the growing possibilities of corpus linguistics in translation studies. The topics of interest for the volume include all aspects of translation and interpreting studies. The suggested themes, however, should not be considered as limitations, and papers that go beyond or outside of these themes are also welcome.
If you wish to contribute to this volume, please submit a title, a 500-word abstract in which you outline your method, data, and findings, together with your name, affiliation and contact information to the editors, by January 31, 2014, via email to Jesús Romero-Trillo ( and Richard Xiao (
The full paper is expected to be 7,000-9,000 words in length, excluding citations and appendices. The deadline for the final contributions is August 31, 2014.