Systemics: A Systemic-Functional Analysis Tool

Thanks Da Jun for the server space. Thanks also go to Jiajin for uploading it finally, and the snapshots!
thanks a lot for sharing the great url with us, laohong! what are the strengths of systemics 1.0? could you pls take trouble to explain to us all about it? thanks a lot! every software has its day, in my opinion. so how about the other sfg tools? could you dwell upon the issue as well? thanks a lot for the recomendation!!
the trial version systemics 1.0 can only process it's attached file, but it cannot deal with user's own file. (i tried several times and it can not work).
thank u all for ur generosity and kindness. I've benefited a lot from this communtiy. thank u all. again and again.
如果用Sytemics 来试验处理自己的文本,该程序要求得先把文本划分成小句(Clause), 手工划分会很麻烦,这里推荐TAIParse Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagger 的一个功能,可以帮你做到小句的划分。具体方法请参阅:
回复:Systemics: A Systemic-Functional Analysis Tool

- an interesting tool, wanna give it a try

- just tried this tool, convenient for semi-automatically(or manually?) annotating texts with SFL notations.
回复: Systemics: A Systemic-Functional Analysis Tool

hi there, it looks like a great tool can u upload it again, link seems to be corrupted, thank you