回复:How to find relative clauses in CLEC?
Unless you have a TreeBank style corpus (e.g. LDC, ICE-GB, etc.), you will
have to put in some manual labor into it. When the object of inquiry is complex
there is no way that you can do it easy.
Incidentally, Prof Cathy Ball of Georgetown University has an excellent tutorial for
finding relative clause markers for a gender-based study:
(Note: please copy the whole line above to get to #RTFToC31 directly.)
Note that there are zero-marked RCs, for which there is no way you can do without
looking at them manually.
Some of her techniques may be improved these days with more effecient automated
or semi-automated procedures, however.
以下是引用 tiger 在 2005-9-25 22:15:52 的发言:
but tagging the whole corpus is too time-consuming and tedious for a single person. is there a better way to do this?