Xaira: a review

The BNC C7 tagset:
If you search for "fully" as a word in FLOB/Frown online concordancer, words like "carefully" will surely not be included. My searches returned 419 instances of "fully" in FLOB and 279 in Frown.

If you search for "fully" as a tag, nothing is returned.
My search of "fully" also returned 419 intances. These are the first few concordances("carefully" and "successfully "as key word):

1. And Mr Major will have to tread care fully RR .
2.In that time , its owner - 68-year-old Councillor John Peck , DFC - has success
fully RR negotiated both uncounted traffic hazards and the potential pitfalls of holding the balance of power in the central England authority between 27 Labour and 27 Tory colleagues .

Oh yeah, that's right. The concordancer was designed to LCMC Chinese corpus which I intended to include all words containing the search patterns. I will modify the programs when I have time. Thanks.
The programs have been modified to concordance search patterns as words only. Any better than the old version?
can Xaira be changed a little bit to deal with non-xml marked format, such as this:

有/v 人/n 来/v 了/u 。/w

thanks a lot.
Unfortunately no, but you can use my program to convert your word/tag style into XML before using Xaira to explore the corpus.
