这真是个让人期待又让人惊喜的好消息,请问Uqcaven老师 能否帮我扫描一下"Text and Technology". In Baker, M., Francis, G. & Tognini-Bonelli, E. (eds) Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins中的以下三篇文章(我的毕业论文急需这三篇参考文献)谢啦
1.Louw, Bill (1993) Irony in the Text or Insincerity in the Writer? The Diagnostic Potential of Semantic Prosodies (pp. 157-176).
2.Who Can Make Nice a Better Word Than Pretty? — Collocation, Translation, and Psycholinguistics
Kirsten Malmkjaer
3.Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies — Implications and Applications
Mona Baker
感谢 uqcaven 老师: 麻烦您帮我看一下这两篇文章,非常感谢。祝您工作顺利!
1.Nagy, W. E., Anderson, R. C., & Herman, P. A. (1987). Learning word meanings from context during normal reading. American Educational Research Journal, 24, 237-270.
2 Nagy, W & Herman, P. Anderson.(1985) Learning word meanings from context . Reading Research Quartely 233-253
Corpora in Translation Studies: An Overview and Some Suggestions for Future
Many thanks.
Thank you very much for your kind help and warmheartedness!
请问楼主有没有《中美英语同题作文》这本书的消息呢 呵呵 非常感谢本人在此论坛收益颇多, 准备答谢众位同行。 提供语料库和二语习得方向专业文献搜索服务, 具体规则如下:
1. 本人精力有限, 每周提供5篇次的论文搜索;
2. 论文用途仅限个人研究,严禁用于谋利,讨好MM/GG等不正当用途;
3. 虽然我手头的数据库涉及很多方向,但是, 本人感兴趣的是语料库和二语习得,所以只提供改方向的论文;
4. 太老的论文如果找不到,不准骂我。
请问楼主有没有《中美英语同题作文》这本书的消息呢 呵呵 非常感谢
The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition,2003,Oxford,Blackwell
how about these two?
1.craik. F.I.M.& Lockhart, R.S.(1972) Levels of processing: a framework for memeory research. Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior, 11, 671-684
2. craik. F.I.M.& Tulving, E(1975) Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic memory. Jounal of experimental psychology: general, 104, 268-294
thank you so much!