回复: Concgram如何翻译?
1) N-Gram: N元语法 (probably not the best translation but has been in use so we can live with it.)
2) Conc = Kuang (框), within a domain
3) Description of ConcGram by the authors:
Given the limitations of the existing search engines that generate n-grams and skipgrams, what is needed is a search engine which, on top of the capability to handle constituency variation (i.e. AB, ACB), also handles positional variation (i.e. AB, BA), conducts fully automated searches, and searches for word associations of any size.
(From n-gram to skipgram to concgram
Cheng, Winnie; Greaves, Chris; Warren, Martin
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Volume 11, Number 4, 2006 , pp. 411-433(23))