hancunxin Moderator 2005-07-06 #1 教你怎么建个人教学语料库 http://www.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005070613424592.rar
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-07-06 #2 Thank you for compiling and sharing the PowerPoint version of the paper.
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2005-07-06 #3 See also my earlier posting on "How to build DIY corpora" in Native Corpora.
动态语法 管理员 Staff member 2005-07-07 #4 回复:[原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库 Who is the author of this PP presentation? Xie Jiacheng or Han Cunxin? Lot of discussion about written, journalistic data but little information on spoken varieties?
回复:[原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库 Who is the author of this PP presentation? Xie Jiacheng or Han Cunxin? Lot of discussion about written, journalistic data but little information on spoken varieties?
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-07-07 #7 The board of Spoken Corpora is for the very few who work on speech. I am among the very lonely few. But they are still some lonelier (words) than I.
The board of Spoken Corpora is for the very few who work on speech. I am among the very lonely few. But they are still some lonelier (words) than I.
C carol 初级会员 2005-08-02 #10 I just tried to download it in the top of this page, but failed. Who can tell me why? Any warm-hearted friends would like to send it to my mailbox: fycarol61@163.com Thanks a lot!
I just tried to download it in the top of this page, but failed. Who can tell me why? Any warm-hearted friends would like to send it to my mailbox: fycarol61@163.com Thanks a lot!
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2005-08-02 #11 Your browser hase been set to disable downloading. Go to tools -Internet Options -Security - Internet, click on Default.
Your browser hase been set to disable downloading. Go to tools -Internet Options -Security - Internet, click on Default.
majorlv511 高级会员 2005-08-16 #13 回复:[原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库 以下是引用 xiaoz 在 2005-7-7 5:52:54 的发言: 原文:《外语电化教学》91期(2003) 论个人教学语料库的构建…………谢家成 Click to expand... 一篇相关文章在此http://www.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005081622474864.caj
回复:[原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库 以下是引用 xiaoz 在 2005-7-7 5:52:54 的发言: 原文:《外语电化教学》91期(2003) 论个人教学语料库的构建…………谢家成 Click to expand... 一篇相关文章在此http://www.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005081622474864.caj
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2005-08-16 #14 please zip all caj files as ZIP or RAR before uploading.
moore 2009-05-30 #17 回复: [原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库 作者 hancunxin: 教你怎么建个人教学语料库 http://www.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005070613424592.rar [本贴已被 作者 于 2005年07月06日 13时42分48秒 编辑过] Click to expand... but i annot download it? could u tell me why plz?
回复: [原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库 作者 hancunxin: 教你怎么建个人教学语料库 http://www.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005070613424592.rar [本贴已被 作者 于 2005年07月06日 13时42分48秒 编辑过] Click to expand... but i annot download it? could u tell me why plz?
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2009-05-30 #20 回复: [原创]教你怎么建个人教学语料库 一般来说,还是当个系主任院长啥的比较好。我等小喽罗们想实现自己的一些设想恐有困难。