Sinclair的“Lexical Grammar”中关于syntagmatic和paradigmatic的论述,看了几遍,好像也还是糊涂,它们之间的关系究竟如何?Sinclair的观点是“it is an axiom of the present approach to corpus linguistics that meaning and context are inter-related in such a way that involves at least partial coselection”词汇之间互选共选的特点.....而这一句话:“...If we start from the other axis, then any existing or proposed pattern of choice on the syntagmatic axis provides a framework for the interpretation of any choice to be made on the paradigmatic axis”(P196)代表了什么观点呢? 他究竟认为词汇的意义是在这个axis上如何分布的,syntagmatic和paradigmatic共同作用,还是什么?好像有印象看到过他的观点是collocation的词汇之间是syntagmatic的关系。。。请高人指点。