有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性/可读性readability?Readability Analyzer

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word中就有. word--工具--拼写与语法,具体见附图.


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回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性

回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性

回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性

非常感谢许博士,但水平有限Lemma type不知什么意思,在分析中有何作用
回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性

ASL = Average Sentence Length

AWL = Average Word Length

Tokens = the total number of all occurences of alphanumeric symbols

Word Types = the total number of distinct words (e.g. 10 instances of ‘do’ are counted as 1 TYPE of ‘do’.)

Lemma Types = the total number of base forms (e.g. ‘do’ is the lemma for do, does, did, doing, done if any).

Lemma/Word ratio, Word TTR (Type Token Ratio), Word STTR (Standardised Type Token Ratio), Lemma TTR and Lemma STTR are all scores for lexical richness. Most often Word STTR is good enough as a lexical richness value. You can use the other scores for your particular research purposes.
回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性

回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性

其中有Flesch reading ease score,易读度参考量表(Reference table of Readability)也好找.但是数据和许博士分享的Readability Analyzer中的Reading ease 不太一样,试了三篇,第一篇结果一致,第二篇差了4.1,第三篇差了9.也不知哪有了问题.Readability Analyzer中的Reading ease 应该就是Flesch reading ease score吧
回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性

其中有Flesch reading ease score,易读度参考量表(Reference table of Readability)也好找.但是数据和许博士分享的Readability Analyzer中的Reading ease 不太一样,试了三篇,第一篇结果一致,第二篇差了4.1,第三篇差了9.也不知哪有了问题.Readability Analyzer中的Reading ease 应该就是Flesch reading ease score吧

Readability Analyzer中的Reading ease 是Flesch reading ease score。
不同网站所用公式是一样的,只是大家对token或者说word的认定不一,导致结果有差别,有时差别很大。如hyphenated words是否算两个词等。

Readability Analyzer的结果同MS Word里的数值是一致的。
回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性

ASL = Average Sentence Length

AWL = Average Word Length

Tokens = the total number of all occurences of alphanumeric symbols

Word Types = the total number of distinct words (e.g. 10 instances of ‘do’ are counted as 1 TYPE of ‘do’.)

Lemma Types = the total number of base forms (e.g. ‘do’ is the lemma for do, does, did, doing, done if any).

Lemma/Word ratio, Word TTR (Type Token Ratio), Word STTR (Standardised Type Token Ratio), Lemma TTR and Lemma STTR are all scores for lexical richness. Most often Word STTR is good enough as a lexical richness value. You can use the other scores for your particular research purposes.

thanks a lot!
回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性

There are many many many web sites which provide readability scores. In the literature, more than 200 readability formulas have been created (DuBay 2004). The best known readability formulas include the Flesch Reading Ease Formula (1948), the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Formula (1976), the Fry Readability Graph (1977), Dale and Chall’s Formula (1944), the SMOG formula, etc.

*DuBay, W. H. (2004). The Principles of Readability. California: Impact Information.

But most readability score analyzers are web-based.

To make it locally available and txt, doc, and rtf compatible, we developed this Readability Analyzer. Also we added lemma, standadized ttr, and much more information than other readability analyzer.
回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性/可读性readability?

回复: 请问:有没有工具能直接计算英语的易读性/可读性readability?

用Readability Analyzer就可以不必做拼写检查了。另外可以一次处理多个文本。