xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-08-21 #1 The text of the 911 Report is now available for download. http://americannationalcorpus.org/911report.zip
The text of the 911 Report is now available for download. http://americannationalcorpus.org/911report.zip
清风出袖 高级会员 2005-08-21 #2 ia m sorry! could you tell me what 911 report is about before i star to download it, dr. xu? thanks a lot!
ia m sorry! could you tell me what 911 report is about before i star to download it, dr. xu? thanks a lot!
清风出袖 高级会员 2005-08-22 #4 oh yes i see ! i thought it was, yet i was not so sure ! thanks a lot, mr xiao! so the report is based on that? how about the source of the report or is it a collection of report on 911 from big-named periodiclas?
oh yes i see ! i thought it was, yet i was not so sure ! thanks a lot, mr xiao! so the report is based on that? how about the source of the report or is it a collection of report on 911 from big-named periodiclas?
P patricx 高级会员 2005-08-23 #6 i have a chinese edition, and we can make a paralell corpus, hehe. Download here. http://forum.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005082322345682.rar
i have a chinese edition, and we can make a paralell corpus, hehe. Download here. http://forum.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005082322345682.rar
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2005-08-23 #7 回复:911 Report is now available for download Is this sharable? 以下是引用 patricx 在 2005-8-23 21:26:15 的发言: i have a chinese edition, and we can make a paralell corpus, hehe. Click to expand...
回复:911 Report is now available for download Is this sharable? 以下是引用 patricx 在 2005-8-23 21:26:15 的发言: i have a chinese edition, and we can make a paralell corpus, hehe. Click to expand...
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-08-23 #10 Thank patricx for sharing the Chinese version of 911 report.
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-08-24 #11 patricx's exe version has to be decompiled to htmls and then converted to texts, but I failed to do the decompilation with the tools I have. Sigh.
patricx's exe version has to be decompiled to htmls and then converted to texts, but I failed to do the decompilation with the tools I have. Sigh.
P patricx 高级会员 2005-08-24 #12 i have also failed to decompile them to htmls, and i am sorry to have no htmls edition. a friend of mine gave me this.
i have also failed to decompile them to htmls, and i am sorry to have no htmls edition. a friend of mine gave me this.
清风出袖 高级会员 2005-08-24 #13 by the way, is the version of translation of the report reliable ? thanks for your reply!
T tiger 高级会员 2005-08-24 #14 can it be made parallel to the English version if the translation is too bad?
P patricx 高级会员 2005-08-24 #15 please read the Appendix Ⅱ, somebody has a comment about the translation.
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-08-24 #16 我从前面的电子书中将文字分别拷出,做了个word文件。不过请注意其中第二章新恐怖主义的基础 本•拉丹和“基地”组织的崛起一节 找不到。 http://forum.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005082413185588.rar
我从前面的电子书中将文字分别拷出,做了个word文件。不过请注意其中第二章新恐怖主义的基础 本•拉丹和“基地”组织的崛起一节 找不到。 http://forum.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005082413185588.rar