start from scratch
Hi 大家好, 我在写一片有关语料库在翻译中运用的论文,想比较中文译文和原文的不同,大家有什么好的建议吗?我不知道用哪个语料哭好, lcmc? ZCTC? 具体要怎么使用这个来得出结论啊 得到图表啊, 我对语料库一知半解,求大神指点。我也看了比如了一些比如肖忠华老师的书 但就是觉得很困惑啊 而且很多领域前人已经研究过了, 我再研究不过是重复。
Should I build two corpora of my own?
If I'm going to build two corpora, one includes translated Chinese fiction, the other is non-translated.
Should they from the same genre and same age? Should they be similar? how many fictions should I choose, i.e. How big should each corpus to be?
Many thanks
You do not need to build your own corpora. You can probably compare the fiction component (K-R) in LCMC v2 and ZCTC. Both are available at (ID and Pass are both "test"). You can use "Create/edit subcorpora" to select the genres to be compared.
Then should I just replicate other scholar's work?thank you![]()