
  1. windyyw


    回复: 求助:用BNC如何检索特定词缀的词 Part of the information from could shed some light on SARA and BNC.
  2. windyyw

    鼠年是the Year of the Mouse还是the year of the Rat

    回复: 鼠年是the Year of the Mouse还是the year of the Rat I prepare for both. I also ask an American friend about the confusion. His answer could throw some light on the issue, I guess. Here is part of his email: That is certainly an interesting question about rats and mice. Probably rats have a...
  3. windyyw

    鼠年是the Year of the Mouse还是the year of the Rat

    鼠年的英文是the Year of the Rat吗?至少我搜索Yahoo,大部分“鼠年”的表达方式是用Rat。这合适吗?在英文里,mouse和rat相比,mouse的形象更好些,mouse有的涵义有quiet as a mouse,poor as a church mouse, 或play cat and mouse,基本上意思都比较中性,而rat含有“不忠诚”“欺骗”的贬义比较多,如 “But you promised to help us, you rat!”“rat sb out”. 既然如此,为什么还会用“the Year of the Rat”,是约定俗成的影响吗?
  4. windyyw

    用AntConc获取TTR和nornamlized frequency

    回复: 用AntConc获取TTR和nornamlized frequency 请问:那个缩略图呢,为什么没有啊?小声地再问一句许老师,用于研究lexical variation的MTTR(mean type/token ratio)怎么算啊(刚看到跟这个话题有关的部分呢,Granger, 1998:32)?谢谢
  5. windyyw

    Happy New Year

    回复: Happy New Year 希望大家新年的愿望都能得到实现,元旦快乐,新年快乐!
  6. windyyw

    BNC语料库检索软件SARA的HELP文件 (PDF自转)

    回复: BNC语料库检索软件SARA的HELP文件 (PDF自转) You can also view the book "The BNC Handbook: Exploring the British National Corpus with Sara" from the page: It can also help you to know...
  7. windyyw

    [E-book] Developing Linguistic Corpora

    回复: [E-book] Developing Linguistic Corpora Very interesting collection by the editor. Thank you, as usual.
  8. windyyw


    回复: 2007年外研社暑期研修班课程安排 打去电话了,他们不接受个人T_T
  9. windyyw

    a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么?

    回复: a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么? 你说的也有部分对,因为该表达与中文思维很接近,应该属于母语正迁移吧,但这句话也是出现在高中新版版的英语教材中(好像是剑桥版本的)。
  10. windyyw

    a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么?

    回复: a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么? overuse的原因是它在高中教材中出现过的啦
  11. windyyw

    High winds versus 月黑风高

    回复: High winds versus 月黑风高 Plus, the phrase“月黑风高”has a negative implication while its English counterpart has not.
  12. windyyw


    回复: 语料库_百度百科 Yes, most people are afraind they may mention something like an amateur. So no comment. I also have the some fear.:o But anyway, I don't think the summary of corpus is a good way. First, the categorization is not thorough. Dynamic corpus is actually the monitor corpus, while...
  13. windyyw


    回复: 请问:哪里可以找到英美诗歌的txt版? 这是诺顿选集电子版,只是德文的指令,其他都还好,应该可以找到你想要的大部分诗歌吧,必须用emule下载, enjoy!:cool:
  14. windyyw

    Semantic prosody of "end in"

    回复: Semantic prosody of "end in" Yeah. Maybe you are right that the speaker just wants to show a negative tone in using the phrase. But sometimes, it's not so obvious to find out the implication without checking the whole context.
  15. windyyw

    Semantic prosody of "end in"

    回复: Semantic prosody of "end in" Yeah, Xu is right. I also search Collins Cobuild Dictionary CD2006. Among the 95 item of "end in", there are almost 40 of them which are collocated with negative words. The rest of them are collocated with months, "draw" and something like that. Only one...