Can we seriously take the following as Chinglish?
干货计价处:fuck the certain price of goods
熟食计价处:the familiar make sures the price
怎么是你:how are you
怎么老是你:how old are you
一位中国学生在美国加州目睹了一起交通事故,警察问他经过,he said,one car come,one car go ,two car peng peng ,one car die
一天小强去看电影,到了售票处,一个老外和售票员连说带比好半天,就上去做翻译,售票员说:麻烦你告诉他,现在票卖完了,只剩下站票,如果要看就得站着看.小强说:no sit see,stand see,If see,stand see.老外说:Sorry,i don't understand your English.小强就对售票员说:哦,他说他不懂英语.
给点颜色看看(普通版):give you some color see!
给点颜色看看(加强版):give you a little color to see see!
好好学习,天天向上:good good study,day day up!
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